Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Developing lines of Professional Inquiry, task 4a

Sooo welcome back everyone, I presume every ones quietly cracking on, biting their finger nails before the first campus session in 2 days. This is my first blog in a while, but that's because I've been spending my time having a good old think. Reflecting on last term diaries and tasks, in particular task 2D, I found that perhaps the most reoccurring issue for me was not knowing how to get into the industry on a professional level. But that quickly followed by the thought that perhaps I'm putting barriers in front of myself to prevent the thought that I've failed. However from this, I've managed to put together some questions to ponder for this module.

  • Does professional training lower self esteem?
  • Do untrained artists have stronger confidence than trained artists?
  • Should teachers in drama schools be teaching confidence?
  • Does the attitude of teachers in drama schools lower the confidence of its pupils?
  • Is the test of self esteem purely a way of weeding out those who will fail in the industry?
  • In drama school there is always 'favourites', does this need to be clamped down on to prevent lowering the confidence of others?
  • Should colleges invest more time in checking up on what the teachers are teaching rather than worrying about other trivial aspects?
  • Do confidence issues go back further than college teachers, perhaps as far as childhood and family?
  • How have others over come their own barriers to become successful?
  • What successful practitioners had barriers such as this and should it be further advertised to give others a push in the right direction.
  • If self esteem is lowered in drama college, would it be better to to by pass the drama college and go straight to either working or University? (big fish small pond syndrome) 
  • Does having successful people around you push you to become successful or remind you that you are not?
  • Do confidence issues effect what auditions you attend,and how well you perform?
If anyone has any thoughts on any of these questions then do please get in touch, leave a comment. I'd be interested to see what you think, and if any one else has experienced similar issues.
