So today I went to an audition for a girl band and I thought, 'perfect!!' a good experience and also something relevant to write about in my journal!
I just had to write a blog about this though because it wasnt until jotting down my experience for that day that I realised that I entered Kolb's learning cycle on a much larger scale. In summary of my journal and reflecting upon it I can see that I entered the learning cycle at 'Reflective observation'. I've gathered this from thinking on a much grander scheme... there is a sort of 'protocall' for musical theatre auditions that we're all aware of but for girl band auditions??? who knows. Well , I do, but thats on;y from reflective observation of previous auditions at my college and from reality programmes such as pop idol, popstars, fame academy and x-factor. These programmes have been going longer than we realise and actually, when us musical theatre folk get thrown into a pop audition, where do we turn for help, whether consciously or not! We know what NOT to do from all the horrendous youtube videos of auditions gone wrong, and we pick up on the good bits from the reality success stories. And yes I hate to admit this revelation. :/
I followed the cycle to abstract conseptualisation by playing through a couple of scenarios in my head first such as 'what if they want to hear a different song', 'what would this band dress like', these sort of ideas that I have to work out before attending. Active experimentation of going to the audition and just giving it a go! (based of course on my previous planning) and finally concrete experience. I have been to a pop audition before and now I have more concrete experience to start the next cycle when it comes about.
It just shows that this cycle isn't only small and compact in terms of thought process, it can go back to things you didn't even realise that you were referencing... like X-factor..
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