Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Task 4D: my title....

So,  for me this had never really crossed my mind, mostly because, I didn't realise that we got to choose!
But really there arent that many options that I think id even consider...
My training has been thorough in singing, dancing and acting, and though it delved into the different areas of the industry, such as tv, ballet, and pop singing, for the most part I was working in the musical theatre genre. Italia conti is an academy of 'performing arts'. So really I think my title should be one of the following:

  • BA Hons Professional Practice Musical Theatre
  • BA Hons Professional Practice Performing Arts

Looking at them slightly closer, Musical theatre is fairly accurate, most of my training has revolved around it, and been with the aim of breaking into that area. However, though it isn't very specific, I still feel like I have had a lot of experience in other areas such as the acting for screen and pop music side, that perhaps 'musical theatre' is selling me a bit short.

I like the idea of 'performing arts' because for me it resembles more than just musical theatre. Yes, it suggests training in musical theatre, but the emphasis is on the 'performing' whether that be anything in the industry. I have done backing vocals for new albums, sung with various bands, peroformed solo acoustic gigs, and have always excelled in acting for camera, more so than acting for stage. I feel that in all of these activities.. I am a performer and perhaps this title suits my training and my future career prospects better than 'musical theatre'.

My previous studies were a '3 year performing arts course..leading to a National diploma in Professional Musical Theatre'.... So I am torn between the two titles...

I dont know,... I'll have to think about it.
My topic is looking at confidence in the performers... so really that could go with either.

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