Tuesday 9 April 2013

5c applying it to what i've learnt

What I keep finding is with this course is that my views have a name. Its silly, we think things all the time, but we never stop and consider that actually some one has probably studied that and decided that its called being a 'consequentialist' or whatever else.
From breaking down that reader and comparing it to what id learned from the focus group and just from my own consideration is that I probably do fall in with the consequentialists. When I attend auditions I follow the rules of that audition to the T, however, if for some reason I thought that the right thing to do was to bend those rules slightly then I would. The thing is I believe it to be down to judgement and circumstance. If within an audition, we are required to dance 'full out' but doing so would mean smacking someone else in the face, it is likely that I'm not going to do it in order to avoid hitting the person next to me.
I think that virtue ethics is probably quite apt for the teachers within my focus group because when it comes to disciplining the children, the teachers moral code of conduct would hopefully point them towards making the best judgement for the pupil however they also have to be seen to be following the rules, like a deontologist. Purely because they are not there just to teach dance, but also to teach about being a good person and right from wrong. However a deontologist approach within a school couldn't work all the time because there will be times when the teacher needs to see that the pupil only committed such actions with good intentions, they must see their virtue, or that the reason for breaking the school rules was greater than the rule itself (consequentialism).

I think for me, my professional inquiry will be coinciding with virtue ethics and consequentialism because I am currently unemployed, there are no set rules that I have to abide by apart from setting myself an ethical code of conduct. For example being punctual to interviews (unless that comes at the expense of someone else's health, i.e pushing someone out of the way to get on the tube). Being polite and well mannered to anyone I interview or ask to reference etc.

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