Monday, 22 October 2012

Net Savvy?..Ref: Lorenzo, Oblinger, and Dziuban

This article seemed ever so relevant to me when I embarked on this course and first looked at the tasks, (hopefully im not the only one) and that's why I've decided to just have a quick closer look at what it is saying.

As a 21st century student I've found, along the way, that is expected of me to have a certain amount knowledge about the internet and computers. If I didn't understand something, many have told me to 'google it!'  Half my homework throughout my school life relied on having a computer and internet access, and to be fair, when you have homework due in the very next day after its been assigned, it is IMPRACTICAL to assume that any one could make it to the library, do their research and have it ready by 9am the next morning. So yes, a certain amount of computer knowledge was needed. Everyone had to take I.T until year 11 at my school. However, what how many people can really say that they are 'Net savvy'. To be honest... I can't!

When I started this course, I had to set up a 'blog', never done that before. I had to put a video on youtube and upload it to said blog... never done that before! I had to load photos onto 'Flickr'... and yes, you guessed it I'd never done that before either. Even now, writing this post, there are 2 options: compose...(or) :HTML. What on earttttttttttthhhhh is an HTML and how would anyone possibly know how to write in this code!

Lorenzo starts by pointing out that there is a difference between being 'Net savvy' and being basically 'Information literate'. (Having basic I.T skills, information resource skills, and critical thinking skills)

He points out that now that anyone can add information to the internet, the nature of the information has changed. And questions, do we really know enough about the internet to weed out the rubbish and get to the real stuff. I may not be 'Net savvy' but I'm not lazy, and to ensure that I have the correct information, I always cross reference lots of different sources. However many have said that a lot of people really do just take what wikipedia says as gospel. I mean really... how dim do you have to be!

"The OCLC concluded that library resources, services and information experts "appear to be increasingly less visible in a universe of abundant information", How choice, culture and co-creation are changing what it means to be 'Net Savvy',  DeRosa, C., Cantrell, J., Hawk, J., & Wislon, A. (2006). College students perceptions of libraries and information resources. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC. Retrieved September 26, 2006, from

Early on in my blog I questioned whether or not we were promoting social innequality by putting such heavy emphasis on being either 'Net savvy' or atleast extremely 'Information literate' and I'm very pleased to see that it is a topic which arises in this article. W. Thomas suggests that not all students of this net generation are 'net savvy' and therefore it should not be assumed that they are.
 "It is wrongheaded to think that undergraduates—because they have grown up in a digital age—are better at understanding the technology they use as it relates to researching information. They are at sea, drowning in a pool of information, looking for life preservers. Libraries have taken on the task for years of educating our undergraduate students, graduate students, and professors about where information resides, how to access it, and what can be done with it. This is the vestal flame of libraries, and it is really an important task that can’t be surrendered under the assumption that undergraduates know about this because they have grown up with technology." Thomas, W. (2006, August). Personal communication. 

Lorenzo continues the point in 'Not all fit the net generation profile'.(How choice, co-creation and culture are changing what it means to be Net Savvy' By George Lorenzo, Diana Oblinger, and Charles Dziuban) I feel that the points he raises are very similar to those that I raised in 'Task 1b:the readers and my ideas..' I'm glad that i'm not the only one who thinks that there are pro's and cons to the net generation.

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