Saturday, 6 October 2012

Task One, My Cv re-written

My name Is Georgie Bird, I am 22yrs old, and graduated from the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts Ltd. earlier this year. Before training at Conti's I took part in as many shows as possible and took on as many different hobbies and skills as I could fit in. I obtained a Brown belt in Karate, got my grade 5 in piano and a similar standard of Violin, achieved intermediate ISTD ballet, Gold ISTD Jazz, grade 6 ISTD National and grade 6 ISTD Tap. I have a full UK driving license and recently went solo flying K13 glider planes. I played 'Millie' in the AVYT production of 'Thoroughly modern Millie', Angel City 5 of AVYT'S 'City of Angels', took the role of 'Narrator' in the Musical Kidz production of 'Joseph' and performed on stage with top tribute band 'Think Floyd'. I was also the lead vocals of a full Jazz band, Function band, and 80's tribute band.
Italia Conti helped to mould me as a performer and during my time there I also obtained my stage combat unarmed and single sword award, and recorded backing vocals for an up and coming album soon to be released on Itunes. I also took the role of Maggie in 'A chorus line' and the Friar Sister Laurence) and Prince (Queen) Escalus in 'Romeo and Juliet' with the Complete works Theatre company.
Towards the end of my training, I spent 3 months working as a character and parade performer at Disney Land Paris, where I met people from all walks of life.

I am currently living in London and auditioning as much as possible, whilst keeping my performance skills current and topping up my Level 6 Diploma with the BAPP course.



  1. Nice start Georgie. This is more of a biog. than a CV but the point of this task is to get you to think back over what you have achieved. This is to get a sense of what you bring to the course. This first module is all about positioning yourself / finding a context for how you define yourself. Well done on getting on to flickr too.


  2. Hi Georgie, your blog looks great. I am just getting started on my CV and was interested to see yours. Your re written CV shows a good description about the work you have done and is to the point.When reading your "About me" section it seems like I am following your journey as a performer which is great with your CV included, so it gives the audience a better insight to your experiences. Its much more personal than the list shown on a normal CV.

