Wednesday 13 November 2013

Group Skype

Yesterday morning, myself, Adesola, and Natalie and Kim from module 2 all got together on skype to have a bit of a brainstorm and a chat about what we're all up to. Well for the most part we just explained to each other where we were up to and what we were each looking at. I think the skype session was quite helpful for Kim and Natalie as it gave them a chance to talk to someone on the next module. I think because the readers are so dense and very wordy, its easy in module 2 to get bogged down in that and try and make sure you're looking at all the case studies but actually I remember getting to the case studies and even trying to finish reading them was hard enough. I pointed out that the readers are there mostly just to get you thinking, make your mind a bit more active and consider other points of view and that you should just take what you can from them. You don't have to apply every single one to your situation or come up with the answer. It's more to get you asking the questions. The ladies were also struggling with some of the research in module two, and panicking about not getting responses, but I think hearing from Adesola and myself that actually module two isn't so much about gathering your research, its more about considering the different methods and working out which ones will be best for you to use in module three.
For me, I would have liked some input from someone else in module three, purely so I could check that I'm on the right track. But talking to people in module two reminded me about ethics and Adesola's advise about that to them was actually very applicable to myself. I kind of skimmed over the ethics section in module two. Not because was being lazy, but more because my inquiry is based 96% on pre-existing data. So I didn't really feel that the inquiry taking place was going to effect too many people in that way. It certainly wouldn't effect work or the artists. Speaking about ethics with the group reminded me that there is more to it. Ethics is not about right or wrong but about how you are experienced. So in a way my whole inquiry relates to ethics because it s about how I am experienced as an artist when I try out these methods. So I can take from this skype chat that I need to go back to module two and just have another look at the ethics section and try and rethink it a bit.
It was also suggested that though I've been writing about what I've been doing, perhaps it might be nice to hear what I've been getting up to. So I'm gonna whack a couple of my songs that I've written and recorded onto hear for you :)

those will take you to soundcloud, please have a listen and hit follow :) and I will follow you back :)
you can also find me here:

and it'd be really lovely if you would hit 'Like' on that x

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